
Advantages of Fabric Custom Made Awnings for Homeowners

By | 2020-05-27T10:46:38+00:00 May 27th, 2020|Additions|

As a homeowner, you might have never thought that benefits can be gained from having fabric custom-made awnings installed or fitted in your home. While fabric custom-made awnings are familiar sights in many commercial buildings, fitting one in the home is unheard of.   What is a Fabric Custom-made Awning?   The addition of overhanging

Why are polished wooden floors are a good option

By | 2019-04-16T03:54:34+00:00 April 16th, 2019|Additions|

Polished wooden floors are a great option for both residential as well as commercial flooring. This is so because not only are wooden floors low maintenance but are aesthetically pleasing as well. Wooden floors have light reflecting properties. Polished wooden floors are basic wooden floors which have been treated with a densifier. This densifier helps

Installing Screens on Doors and Windows

By | 2018-12-03T06:43:23+00:00 December 3rd, 2018|Additions|

Fly screens are also known as bug screens or mesh wire. The main purpose of this screen is to keep all crawling and flying insects away. During the warm weather most people keep their doors open for the fresh air to flow in. however with the fresh air enter bugs and crawling insect as well.